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Showing posts from July, 2012

Olympics few minutes away.... Wanted Gold and Indian Cheers

Its somewhat few hours left for Olympics to kickstart... Earlier I, a devout cricket enthusiast, never got attracted as the aderanline is rushing this time... People are talking about it... The buzz is not like always, why we dont do good in olympics ?, why is their Government apathy? All this why are not questioned..Contrary to this people know more names of athletes like the other time, Media  has kept the news floating in. Campaigns like Quest for Gold has been successfully launched, Our own Rehamn is part of the Olympics Opening ceremony, Ngos like Magic Bus created news long before and are still doing it...Sponsors willing to shell out money... First time a private broadcaster broadcasting the event...My father in law talking a bout realistic chance of athletes doing good (otherwise we only talk of murky politics or real bad Sehwag in cricket) ... Some great feeling is due. Rewards has already been anounced , Sahara willing to offer 5 kg of Gold to Gold winner, Harayana...

Olympics at Helm

With less than a week to  go for London Olympics, India looks to do best in eons of ages. India's chances lies best in the field of Archery, Badminton, Boxing , Tennis, Wretling, Shooting and not to be forgotten hockey. Moreover as the buzz and performance goes , our women tend to have more mettle this time than our men. People like Mary Kom , Deepika Kumari, Saina and Sania, Jwala Gutta and Chanu have enough in them to get us our best Olympic haul. Of these women most of them have crossed many a odds to be where they are right now. States like Manipur , Nagaland and Jharkhand have enormous stories to convey about making of these athletes. A Deepika had to face the wrath of her parents at a tender adoloscent age but her resolve brought her where she is standing today (curretly  world number 1) and we dont mind her  bow carrying the loads of billion and most importantly thousands of teenage tribal girls of her state. Everyone knows how Yuvraj Singh was scolded by ...


खंखानते सिक्के उस मिट्टी की डिबिया में बचा बचा कर जोड़ते थे पचास पैसे और एक रूपये चवन्नी भी जो कुच्छ भी बचता था जाता था गुल्लक में दिवाली के दिन फोड़ते थे वो और मिट्टी के चूर के साथ बड़ा सार्थक लगता था वो पैसे गिनना और वो जाते थे एक और नए गुल्लक में उनही पैसो से कितने ख्वाब खरीदते थे और उन ख्वाबों के साथ माँ का आश्वाशन की दिन अच्छे भी होंगे आज जब सब है तो एक चिट्ठी भी नहीं लिखते माँ को जो शायद वो गुल्लक के सिक्कों की खनखन की तरह   तरह सुनती और कुछ और ख्वाब चुनती

महीने का आख़िरी सप्ताह

बहुत धीरे-धीरे बीतता है महीने का आख़िरी सप्ताह सूखे कूँवे  की तरह खाली हो जाते हैं सामानों के सारे डिब्बे घर के दरवाज़े से इन्हीं दिनों लौटना पड़ता है भिखारियों को खाली हाथ इन्हीं दिनों खाली हो जाती हैं हमारी तमाम जेबें डोलने लगती है पिता के चेहरे पर उधारी की छाया हम सब बस इन्ही दिनों के ख़त्म होने का इन्तज़ार करते हैं ।