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Eternal Sunshine Of The Spotless Mind

There are times when you watch a movie, or listen to a piece, or read a book and it goes away. Suddenly you think of something and the tune of that song you once (over)heard comes back, the lines of the book revive and the movie comes back to you and you like it more than you liked it for first  time. Eternal.... is one such movie...  Most of these things we like tell us we have everything we need within our self. This movie tell us that we need each other , even when together disrupts happiness...

One thing that movie does better than other art form for normal people like me is that it captures dream logic more clearly. Imagining the imagery is quite possible through movies and very few movies do it perfectly as does Eternal...

The concept of movie was plain and simple. What if entire memory of the one you loved can be erased completely ? There is this scientific procedure that allows people to erase certain people from their memories, particularly after a break off..Jim Carrey (and he is not a jester here) finds that his ex girl friend Kate Winslet  does not know who he is anymore..After knowing how it was done (the brainwash) he goes to same doctor where she was treated...

The film plays totally out of chronological order... it starts from the end......when you think the hero and his love are meeting for the first time, they actually are meeting for the second...There are instances when during the procedure, hero wants to change his mind halfway through and tries to "hide" few things from his earlier set of memories... Also there is this guy who is performing the procedure and wants to learn how to impress Kate as he had fallen for her when she had her operation done... he tries to do same things what Carrey did ... And .... Its hard to put on words...

All I can say is see it for yourself and at the same time could not stop writing about it... In a few words this movie create a puzzle that begs to be solved and in the process composes a metaphysical poem of life and what it can bring or take away... Abruptly ... It may just close.........


  1. reading about it on ur blog is more interest generating then when one starts watching it...will try to start where i left..:(


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