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Too much has already been written about India vs Bharat debate.Still it disturbs. Sometimes I wonder how we spend around 1000 and more for watching movies in a multiplex wherein the same amount of money is considered to be taking care of people to be just above poverty line. How I wonder we middle class Indians have become Global citizens with availability of all the outputs which developed economy has and still have biggest set of people malnourished, anaemic and struggling for daily "Dal -Roti".

I am not writing here to go for an austerity drive (though this is what London Olympics this year would do to reduce the unnecessary spending on Opening Ceremony and during the entire games), people do deserve what they aspire for and an iPhone or a multi utility gadgets is welcome. My only question is do we really need few of the things which we have been forced to aspire for? The term force is important here. As we have been lured, been made gullible to set of things which actually does not have much of utility. Why is strawberry only thought as fruit of love ? Do one really feel aroused eating it or can't our own jamun do that ? Do we really need to have an iPod in our ears while walking and crossing roads (or for that matter crossing railway tracks and lose our lives) ? Do we really need to take a picture of even the smallest things which occur and post it in our facebook ? These actions have become a great marketing ambush being created and we Middle class Indians are becoming a customer to this Matrix like situation .

China has risen so tremendously on the economic front because of its need based assessment first. No doubt people out there are exploited and do stay in deplorable conditions. However the education infrastructure, Medicine facility and distribution is much better in places like China. Wherein iPhone was introduced in India exactly a year before China. This is just an example of what and where our priorities lie. We middle class Indian are definitely covered by medical insurance and go to best of hospitals where we just increase the cost of medicines and services provided and care little about the fallacy it might bring in. In an economic situation where cash flow is circular these extra cost is liable to fall onto us in some form or the other. Again its not that we are not entitled to use our medical facility but question is why not these allocation of fund being given be utilized for building better infrastructure as better hospitals provision of efficient professionals ?

We as an economy have developed from where we were but if look at where we should be , a lot has to be done. We middle class people should not feel that we did very little in giving back or can be even called parasitic. Lets talk about all those subsidized education we received. We have been raised by a welfare state and this was the anticipation when we were being invested in to give back.

Perhaps everyone is contributing directly or indirectly as no one gets away from the cash flow nature. Perhaps its important as well to know what i do and how i spend benefits whom ?  Rest again is choice.


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