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Its 12th of May and mercury has already touched 44 degrees in Delhi. It will be one year in sometimes we shifted to Delhi and amongst all good things Delhi gives you the worst of summers.

How often we read the mood being very colorful in summers courtesy our western writers. For them , summer means having the option to watch the sun, bask under its glory and feel nice about it. Colorful clothes, atmosphere and light mood. Watching pics of few of the western countries during winter no doubt they have every reason to feel good. But ask any Indian and the weather he hates is summer. Come March and we feel the heat, May seems the longest and most tiresome. You don’t want to indulge in any activities. At the same time you don’t feel like lying down as well. Transition to a.c and being back to normal room temperature with either fan or cooler is dangerous. One wish to thrive on fruits or lots of water and anything, I repeat anything hot is so strictly avoided.

 Few incidents which have taken place are quite remarkable. We stay in top floor and fixed our cooler. Our neighbor staying in the ground floor had immediate fight with us complaining about dripping water. You can imagine how a dilli wala would have started a fight that too in early morning six o clock. No one even cares to smile in this weather and finds an opportunity to have a fight. My office has had several people falling sick. It was first our accountant and now our vice president. Flu is in, dengue is around the corner and every one have had a stint with viral.

Delhi, however, throws lots of film festivals and events in this season. Recently had the opportunity to catch up couple of movies to celebrate 150 years of Tagore. One also likes variety of fruits available. Mangoes, watermelon, licchis, grapes and many more. Sadly they all taste the same, being ripened prematurely or with impact of so many fertilizers.

Perhaps it’s the kids who enjoy the summer most with holidays. I used to relish playing basketball and soccer in my summer holidays. Reading was also one part we used to do so much in summers.

When Keats said,  “Oh! how I love, on a fair summer's eve,when streams of light pour down the golden west, and on the balmy zephyrs tranquil rest.” , he must not have visited India. For feeling warm and feeling boiled in heat (temperature) are two different entities.


  1. hmmmm... i hate summers since childhood and the month of May in particular. The only good thing was that in this month we had summer vacation and it would be time to travel. we would go to meerut to nani's place and sometimes to visit some other places as a family but then with bhaia leaving us that trend subsided and we would wait for him to come home. While i was studying i would be home. Home town never used to be so hot, now it is. .
    And i had the hardest summer in dehradun...can u imagine..dehradun! its dead hot at that place quite like delhi.
    delhi of course is worst in summers. i just hate it + the traffic + the people.
    My best summers were surprisingly in Rajasthan. I felt less heat then what was expected. Nights are amazingly cool and there is no humidity. Thats shocking but its true. need to think of this mayhem...

  2. I am one exception, I love summer and always had better results in final semester (near 47-48 C in my college town ) compared to mid sem. All because I loved summer. Winter, even, the mild one, in Bokaro was depressing with all doors and windows closed, less time to play, no sherbat, bhindi and many other things i loved. In general summer was associated with freedom to move out. But yes, a humid summer with power cuts would be horrible and add to it scarcity of water.


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