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George Orwell is one of the most effective writers I have read. His work Animal Farm is perhaps the best political allegory . Recently I had a chance of getting a copy of his novel 1984 from nai sadak at sunday market. Got this superb piece of literature in Rs 20 only. Shame I had not read this novel long before.

Going through first few pages itself was intriguing. And the book made me wonder so many things. A book written in 1948 so correctly visualizes the present world. If I am not wrong , Orwell was the inventor of the word   Big Brother. So what makes me write a blog here. Perhaps I am trying to write about some novel hugely discussed, commented, praised and criticised. What I write here might have been discussed so many times. Yet I make an attempt.

Orwell says what controls the past control the future Who controls the present controls the future. The thought has struck me since I have read it. Is history not being written by victors What if Hitler had avoided his three mistakes in World War 2 and had been victorious, would not we have him as the controller of history and his deeds presented to being correct..Most of the Indian historians barring a few like Guha and R C Mazumdar have not touched or discussed role of Netaji in Indian Struggle for Independence. We being obsessed by Gandhi have ignored his contribution. (I am not anti Gandhi and support his economic vision of sustainable development) There are evidences which substantiates that attacks by armed forces by Indian National Army did contribiute significantly towards withdrawl of British forces. Something, not written so loudly by Indian writers. The movie Gandhi does not even mention Subhash Chandra Bose and his contributions at all. Mr Majumdar had mentioned that civil disobedience movement had ended 14 years before Indian Independence. It can be safely said that India trying to project itself as a non violent state did embrace Gandhi as its idol and distorted history and avoided discussing people like Bose, Azad and Bhagat Singh. Rather they were termed as extremists, a  term quite synonymous with terrorists.

The book also mentions the party slogan WAR IS PEACE. Today we have so many peace forces engaging themselves on war. The motives can be crude, conventional or non conventional but the propaganda is peace. Writing off history is so evident in China. Literature for Mao is almost written off from Chinese history. Americans have had most of the cover up stories to engage itself in war and henceforth supremacy. Pearl Harbor was an excuse to get into the war.The bombing of Hiroshima was unnecessary and could have been avoided. Afterall WAR IS PEACE

Ban on variety of books is also covered in the book. China has been into banning and censuring almost everything. We have our own Modis and Thackereys banning and banishing expressions.

The book was intended to be a futuristic book and indeed how apt and suggestive it has been. Read it if you have not.


  1. Bro this post may be focusing on two - three subjects but predominantly you have focused on the platform given to the main characters of any event/war/movement or likewise.In case of Gandhiji and Netaji I think it was of less conflict between them but later glorification done by congress for its own benefits and sidelining few characters of national movement. This seems to be natural as people are human with human emotions and interests. Its the same kind how the followers create the image once the leader is gone. Buddha was completely against rituals and later on his idol was created and offerings were served. Was it Buddha or its followers --- In fact it is the same set of people you will see who create the right the legitimate for their own benefit. We glorify and vilify them as per yours likes and dislikes; yours ideals; your beliefs.


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