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On Education

Imagine a standard fourth child learning the details of how heart functions... sounds romantic but actually it is not.. I personally don't remember much beyond a term called aorta...Now imagine the same child willing to know more details about how heart functions at home, he would at most find his parents not in a situation to give him that knowledge. This(parents unable to answer) is attributed to various factors. First being not enough work on science including social science is done in indigenous language. Secondly the rote system of learning wont keep parents being aware of terms. (this is on assumption that parents are at least tenth passed out which is a very hypothetical liberty I have taken). Instead of help or clarification the most likely scenario is he being scolded of not being attentive in class. This is also to be attributed to the fact that in general Indian parents lack enough resource themselves for their own clarifications, the resources like public library, set of reference books, internet, or a neighbour. (Turning to a neighbour would be so socially distressing). The child  slowly begins to question intelligence of his parents and if that happens the parental role is threatened and further weakens. This role only detoriates  as we are just talking about syllabus of standard third.

So do I suggest a change in syllabus. Not really, as more competent and talented people are in the panel who decides what a child should study.What has never been the question. How a child is to be taught is something to be focused upon. We as a country lack qualified teachers and teaching recently has been looked upon as very downtrodden occupation. Materialistic gains, incentives and opportunity entice the qualified amongst us away from this most challenging occupation. Recently a test being organised for all B.Ed     qualified teachers. Results were horrible. Around 98% failed to qualify for the test. Indian educators faces a lot of challenges like isolation, poor or inadeqaute facility, eager but academically deprived students; challenges are many. And for these we need people of high caliber. Even Government does not take the role of teaches seriously. Half of the time they are busy with some sort of census and surveys. Now the populist method of Mid Day Meals have made cooks out of teachers.

We as a country also feel we have identified some of awesome techniques of education (which is mostly borrowed ideas). A recent ad highlight  some school using graphics and latest "firangi" techniques to teach. I also want to bring about some NGOs who sitting offshore and culturally unaware of India  try to change Indian education system like Kipling's" White Man's burden"  This and many "educators" are doing more harm than the good. Usually these experts think they have all the answers; they believe that they have completely identified the problem and they have formulated the answers. But the implementation work is left on teachers. Again somethings are being given to teachers which they have no idea how it was formulated. These ideas were developed on one shallow visit to a reservation or school or couple of conferences being held with few Indians ignoring the critical problems. We at best can do without these educators.  Unless indigenous development of education and the migration from the thought that education is means to earn living problem in education would always be a challenge unsolved.


  1. Good thoughts!
    This is one of the most tough issue to address. Education seems to be everyone's cup of tea rather it is not. Children have such diverse needs in classrooms and from syllabus that a visit or two or even a research study sample would not tell you about it completely. We basically make changes or introduce changes or critic based on what we understand. We dont see what children want to understand. Some foreign tools are useful but we need to customize them in our context and there is enough talent in India to do that however untapped, not supported largely.
    however, having said all that we should not lose hope...if we can just do good for a few children it would be great. But someone also has to work on larger systemic issues otherwise reform will always be in some pockets.


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