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Putting The Lipstick On The Pig

I am in my attempt to look out for business schools in India and some websites are plain and dull and some tend to present themselves real smart. I generally like those plain and dull websites where they say something once and for all. No hidden ideas or agendas. It is so true with the marketing world today. They convey same messages in different languages or verbatim. I often tend to scream why not keep it simple.

No matter whether you put a lipstick or a denim or a tuxedo or a perfume a pig would remain a pig. The cold, harsh truth is that the person who does not take the responsibility for the words they choose present themselves as unprofessional,lacking self belief, self control and self discipline. They usually lose the respect  of the people they deal with. 

But we in India normally live with "Chalta Hai" attitude most of the things are just under the belt of "workable" tag. We tend to live more on the philosophy of if certain thing will work rather than if certain thing will be effective. And for this we tend to lie. I have seen people promising something and delivering almost different commodity /service. There is no idea or retention or for that matter they don't care about word to mouth. All they care is it works for today. 

I have seen (at times me included) conveying few things which they would never relate to with utter confidence. And when these people are stuck in the crisis they deny the same statements with much more strong confidence. One just gets amused.  Responsibility of words is something they would never take and make themselves fools in front of those who have fantastic memory. There is nothing wrong in presenting oneself with what they are but for that realising what we are is more important. 

Applying lipstick always does not always make you smart. One applies make up to hide away the fallacy one has. And some apply make up to look more fantastic. If you carry your true face and can present it way it is lipsticks will work wonders and if you want to trade with the magic of lipstick and concealing the ugliness it wont go a long way. 

1. This post in no ways means to offend pigs. :)
2. The paragraphs are disjoint yet connected..



  1. errr..i use lipstick to hide the sure works with this pig.. ;)

  2. as long as yu carry ur true face :)

  3. hmmm..i know. in recent times i have discovered there is no value of words. people say anything without thinking or half thinking.Whereas there used to be a kahavat " raghukul reeti sada chali aayi, praan jaaye par vachan na jaaye". Doesn't hold true anymore. You talk of advertisements.!.there is serious money invested in the name of social service and great documents written. words...i often hate them...finished.


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