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Life Of Pi :Bedazzling and Equally Frustating

I always had my questions about the book Mr Martel had written. This, however, is not the forum to discuss what I did not like in the book, but the movie. Mr Lee had made. Technically this movie is a visual delight. Right from the beginning you get the glimpse of brilliant and matter of fact 3D usage. In other films technician try to do something that would look awesome in three dimensions. Here it becomes a part of you never difficult on eyes and accepted. The music in opening credit is soulful (though not exactly with good pronunciation) the acting is wonderful apart from the guy who is seeking the story from Irfan (he looks disjoint and not interested) and the screenplay is apt. The technical brilliance is unseen before and here is where film falters

This is one of the most striking cases I've ever seen of the craftsmanship of a film being at total odds with the text itself.  I love how the film tells the story, but I don't like the story.  It is almost purely metaphorical, and for much of the running time, it is an overwhelming visceral experience.  Lee's use of 3D in the film is remarkable, and as a theatrical experience, it's hard to argue with the impact.  But it is also hard to argue that the film isn't also frustrating and flawed on a fundamental level, one that bothers me far more than the visuals dazzle me.

When you start the movie the premise is the story will make you believe in God . But the way it ends it makes me feel cheated. It comes as a cheap trick where the viewer don't get any spiritual answer. (Thats how I felt). When I read a book I am more willing to accept the reader's mindset and perception shift is easier because I am reading a story. I would be more willing to accept narrator's vision  and would be at ease to understand that narrator can be unreliable. Ang Lee in his movie tells the story quite wonderfully bringing those vivid imagination of the magical life created in most magical way is not giving you a room to interpret. So you are close to perfect scenes which is inarguable and when the narrator in the last five minutes tells you that it could be a metaphor you feel cheated and betrayed. Suddenly all I saw mattered nothing. All is up for grabs.Far from making me believe in God , this movies serves me as a reminder that nothing that is being told is necessary true.The perception shift simply does not work. Atleast not for me.

For me it is an uneasy state of mind whether to accept this movie or loathe it. Perhaps thats how Ang Lee works.

P.S : Pi a 17 year old, remained cast away for almost close to 2 months and did not have trace of beard.


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