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Showing posts from March, 2013

What Is Revolution

I know what I am talking about when I am talking about the revolutions. The people who read the books go to the people who can't read the books, the poor people, and say, "We have to have a change." So, the poor people make the change, ah? And then, the people who read the books, they all sit around the big polished tables, and they talk and talk and talk and eat and eat and eat, eh? But what has happened to the poor people? They're dead! That's your revolution. Shhh... So, please, don't tell me about revolutions! And what happens afterwards? The same fucking thing starts all over again!  Quote from Duck You Sucker

Once Upon On Television

Once upon a time started a mega T.V show. It was a huge hit. It started when one of the biggest tv show had just ended. The entire country had loved the perfect script. The end was superlative and cashing on the superlative move a new serial started. Issue was widespread and deeply felt. The program was covered mutually exclusively to all channels. Others also wanted to cash in. The producers was raking money like never before. T.R.P.s on extreme high. Then there was clash of interests. People started saying dialogues without script.One actor walked out. And he tries and try hard to make a serial of his own. He has altered the previous script and fills in actor from every place. Sadly leaders are not made by T.V Channels Aam Aadmi Nayak.

On Education

Imagine a standard fourth child learning the details of how heart functions... sounds romantic but actually it is not.. I personally don't remember much beyond a term called aorta...Now imagine the same child willing to know more details about how heart functions at home, he would at most find his parents not in a situation to give him that knowledge. This(parents unable to answer) is attributed to various factors. First being not enough work on science including social science is done in indigenous language. Secondly the rote system of learning wont keep parents being aware of terms. (this is on assumption that parents are at least tenth passed out which is a very hypothetical liberty I have taken). Instead of help or clarification the most likely scenario is he being scolded of not being attentive in class. This is also to be attributed to the fact that in general Indian parents lack enough resource themselves for their own clarifications, the resources like public library,...

समस्या और समाधान

एक बात जो मुझे किसी भी समस्या के बारे में अच्छी लगती है की हर समस्या अपना ही समाधान है। नहीं मेरा ये कतई ईरादा नहीं है की पहले ही लाइन में आपको कनफ्यूज़ करूँ, लेकिन ये बड़ा ही रोचक है की हर एक समस्या कैसे किसी समाधान की तरफ ही बढ़ती है। समस्या इसी लिए है की समाधान हो । मन करता है जिस किसी ने भी समस्या को डीफाइन किया है उसके पीठ को थपथपाऊँ।  बात दरअसल ये है की कुच्छ दीनों से गालिब जी की एक ग़ज़ल दिल में बस गयी है  उनके देखे से जो आ जाती है मुंह पे रौनक वो समझते है की बीमार का हाल अच्छा है देखते क्या पाते है उसाक बुतो से क्या फैज ईक बराहम्ण ने कहा है की ये साल अच्छा है हमको मालूम है जन्नत की हक़ीक़त लेकिन दिल को खुश रखने का ग़ालिब ये खयाल अच्छा है कभी कभार कुच्छ सोच जबर्दस्त जादू करती है।  सोच की वास्तविकता या वैधता पर संशय करना मूर्खता सी लगती है ।शायद कुछ उसी तरह जैसे खुशी को जिंदगी के साथ रिलेट किया जाये। अनततः समस्याए सिर्फ सोच है जो मेरे अंदर है। तो उसे बस ऐसे ही छोड़ दिया जाये। और मज़े की बात ये है की ये भी  तो  समस्या का समाधान...