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Somehow I can not sleep. Some scars remain. Decided to watch one movie with me but kept long pending to see.After watching this classic trying to pen some words in praise of this "mind blowing movie" I don't know if people who have watched it could relate it to extreme leftism gone a muck  or not.

The themes of male bravado, courage, and violence are all easy enough to spot, but most fascinating is Eastwood’s treatment of extreme leftism gone haywire, as personified by Hackman’s terrifying sheriff, Little Bill. Bill lords over the small, vulnerable town of Big Whiskey, Wyoming with an iron hand. He’s particularly insistent about his “No Firearms” policy: With all his citizens unarmed, he and his goons are free to mete out their savage brand of justice without fear of reprisal from anyone. The town,feels like a town under the grip of fascism ,a cautionary example of Big Government whose powers have gone unchecked. Rather than flaunting any political affiliation, though, Unforgiven honors love and loyalty above anything else, and the individual’s moral responsiblity to pull down any force that would obstruct our freedom to live our lives, and seek our destinies in peace. The film through Eastwood's eyes is an awesome study of shame and guilt that attends violence, of the rule of mighty over weak and courage and cowardice.

The film is build on a leisurely pace so that characters are identified and viewer can deduce a lot in between through unspoken expressions. The film is at its best when it explains the horrors of past. It also shows how history is written by people unknown through the eyes of victors left behind. It subtly speaks of dashing desperados and daring deeds are placed side by side with the realities as recalled by Clint and Morgan, with the discomfort of sleeping on the trail, the misery of riding through rain, the ugly actuality of shooting a man, preferably when he's down.

I have been huge fan of "dollar triology" and a bigger fan of all kind of Old West movies and no one comes closer to Clint Eastwood. In the movie, Eastwood deftly deconstructs physical violence and with this his own career as trigger happy cowboy.

Fav Quote from movie
What I said the other day you looking like me is not true. You are not ugly like me,it is just that we both have got scars.


  1. very good. and for the said scars we dont have no-marks cream ;)


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