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So India is going to have their own slut walk. Aka Besharmi morcha, this is a new "firnagi" wave we are catching up. The history of slut walk is not too old. A Canadian Police officer's remarks started it all. And there has already been over 60 "walks" across the world. And Delhi girls are ready, few girls already selecting their skimpiest clothes as being interviewed in daily news channel. The fight is against sexual violence.

That brings me to one question what took Indian women so much time to have an "andolan" now. The remark being made by canadian polcieman is every third Indian's view. Why did they need to follow some wave but not initiate it at first hand. Good that they are having a movement now. But unlike being followers can't we also raise voice against female infanticide. Violence (not only physical but social and most importantly economical ) is faced by majority of Indian women. Do we need any other country to start the march for female infanticide and then we will follow suit?

Well the issue raised in the slut walk is freedom to act and wear what they feel like. The apparel which they wear should not coincide wid they being sexually attacked and molested. Good point. But if we actually check data we can not conclude that scantily dressed women and sexual assault is directly related. Madhya Pradesh tops in the list of the rape being reported in the country and the resultant can not be scantily dressed or revealing dressed women. Most of the cases of rapes are incest rape and people being known to the victim. Yes, sexual assaults, eve teasing do occur. But the emphasis should be laid more on better counseling facilities for both men and women.  Its really nice to see we are being more concerned country and are voicing out our opinions and protesting for issues. Sadly, our area of concern is getting too much westernized and some time we are focussing on issues which can be handled with our own convictions than having a morcha for it.

Sometimes I wonder women in tribal areas are rarely dressed not by choice .... do they need to walk this march as well ???


  1. hmmm... good take on this.
    there are enough issues for females in India to work about...and who are the ladies participating in this? and how many women want to dress skimpy. This is the idea of those who can afford skimpy-stylish clothes. The shorter the dress the costlier it is. And moreover, dressing up is about comfort.. some may not wear skimpy clothes and if they do thats not under lack of freedom,,,thats a personal choice. And why this term 'slut walk'??? what does that imply...
    i dont know but i feel so fed up with these mindless dharnas and morchas. They have in recent times made a ridicule of the great ways dharna and morchas were to protest. reduced to all nonsensical stuff and finally becoming irrelevant.


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