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Of Joy And Sorrow : For someone real close to my heart......

Sometimes something very disturbing happens and one becomes speechless how to address that situation... I am in that stage right now and I know no words spoken would comfort what the loss has been .

Joy they say is the most infallible presence of God. The word sounds comforting yet the path of life is fraught with tests, failures, sorrow , doubt and a heavy dose of loss. When our spirits is tested by life, we are often bolstered by hope. Joys and sorrows , happiness and sadness, smiles and tears, ecstasy and agony. It is in us that the experience of one feeling intensify the awareness of the other. Our life is usually guided and directed for finding greatest strength for attaining and contemplating about these opposites.

Perhaps it is okay to shed tears over loss of something or someone. It is okay to feel sad and hurt. It is okay to feel tender. We often want to avoid these expressions or feelings that pierces our heart. it would be great to believe that feelings are inseparable from life and perhaps they help us span the gulf separating us from others experiencing the same feeling. "He who has not looked into sorrow will never look into joy.", said Khalil Gibran.

I am at loss of words but I dont know how to convey anything . Hope is our last hope ..


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