These days I have a crazy anxiety and the extent of O.C.D has increased multi-times. First time in my life though that these OCD are being accepted world-wide, cleaning hands multiple times, cleaning the doors with Dettol and water, all packets that are brought from outside are wiped and sanitized. The list is cool and endless. Till now OCD, anxieties and worries are not understood very clearly. Anxiety does not mean you are nuts, O.C.D does not mean you need attention. Acceptance by brain and society is required. May be details and my sojourn with these situations on later blogs. Here I am trying to explain a bit about OCD and hope distinction will be understood. Two movie characters we will try to understand. Hope we have seen these two movies, The Rain Man and The Aviator. If not please do watch them. Taking some liberty assuming you would know these characters. Raymond In Rain Man Some people think severe intensity of OCD was displayed in this movie. Dustin Hoffman d...